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The 2014 GM recall reminded the American car giant that with great power comes great responsibility. Learn from the company's mistakes with these six tips.
The 2014 General Motors recall is a tragic example of ethical misconduct. GM allegedly knew about faulty ignition switches linked to at least 124 deaths and 274 injuries for more than a decade. Yet it took a wrongful death suit forcing the release of internal documents to initiate a vehicle recall in February 2014. Understandably, the company suffered a public relations nightmare that cost more than $1.7 billion and seriously tarnished its brand.
Although your business may not have faced ethical dilemmas, you and your team can learn from the missteps of others. When you understand how you’d do things differently, you can create and implement your own code of ethics and code of conduct.
GM’s misconduct isn’t the only instance of a corporate ethics breach, but it’s a prominent example. Why didn’t GM act responsibly or with basic common sense? Analysts point to a corporate culture afraid to pass along bad news.
Learn from GM’s mistakes and take the following steps to avoid the devastating human costs, reputational damage and financial repercussions of ethics failures at your business.
What GM did wrong
GM’s corporate code of ethics went sideways. Initially, the company’s code of conduct was broken into several booklets addressing different aspects of the organization. In 2005, the newly hired global ethics and compliance director consolidated them into one 120-page document, which practically guaranteed that no one would read it, let alone use it as a behavior guide.
How you can do better
To build an ethical business culture for your company, it’s important to create and publish a corporate code of ethics. There are two types of codes, usually combined into one document:
“A code of conduct is only as good as its use by employees when they have questions, or in situations where they think that they have witnessed wrongdoing and they want to know what to do in response,” explained Patricia Harned, CEO of the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI). “In that sense, the success of a code is dependent on leadership.”
For your code of ethics to truly become part of the fiber of your business, take these steps:
What GM did wrong
In the GM case, the ignition switch problem was discovered during a test drive of the Saturn Ion. The company later found that several other models had the same problem.
At that point, the company should have halted production. Then it should have told dealers and the public it had identified a safety issue and was in the process of correcting the problem. Instead, it continued to produce vehicles with flawed ignition systems, leading to multiple deaths and serious injuries. It also incurred the expenses of recalling more than 8 million vehicles and suffered a public relations black eye that would cause damage years into the future.
How you can do better
If you or your team find a problem, such as a product liability issue or a problem with product quality, immediately tell your company and customers what happened and how you intend to fix it. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.
Remember, if you found a problem, someone else has likely also encountered it or will soon discover it. The public will appreciate it if you openly address a problem instead of hiding it.
What GM did wrong
When GM’s problem was discovered, executives decided to continue producing the vehicles to avoid higher production costs and a reduced profit margin. No one confronted these executives or examined their actions. Instead, production continued until accidents occurred, and GM conducted an internal investigation.
Even then, when it was clear what happened — and GM engineers recommended redesigning the keys — executives did nothing because they didn’t want to spend the money on the redesign.
How you can do better
If you believe something unethical is happening, the next step is to hold a private meeting with all parties involved. Bring in your internal HR department or an objective third party to assess all viewpoints, consider what happened, and determine what should happen next.
Future actions could range from correcting a mistake or oversight to firing an employee. (It’s crucial to treat employees fairly, even if they’ve made a mistake or committed an ethics violation.)
What GM did wrong
GM executives should have been the company’s arbiters of ethics. Instead, they disregarded the organization’s code of ethics and acted reprehensibly.
“A code of conduct has to be coupled with a commitment by leaders to the creation of a speak-up culture,” Harned cautioned. “Most employees report suspected wrongdoing to their supervisor; how that individual responds makes all the difference.”
There’s little point in having a code of ethics if you exempt yourself from the rules.
How you can do better
Hold everyone to the same ethical standards. Everyone in your company must act ethically, regardless of their tenure, past contributions, performance reviews or position — even if they’re a family member. To run an ethical business, the entire company must promote ethics and act ethically, with no exceptions.
What GM did wrong
GM had quality and safety policies in place, but no one enforced them among the high-ranking executives involved. With no oversight, they continued making unethical decisions that led to devastating consequences for people and the business as a whole.
How you can do better
Not all employees will be keen to follow your policies. Do not tolerate unacceptable behavior. Ensure you have a disciplinary action policy to hold employees accountable. This will prevent the perpetuation of unsavory behaviors, nipping them in the bud.
Here are some tips for ensuring policy compliance:
“Enforcement has to start with hiring people that will fit the ethical culture, and when someone doesn’t fit, they have to be terminated no matter how strong of an employee they might be,” warned Marc Snyderman, managing director at Next Point Ventures, LLC.
What GM did wrong
At GM, the engineers recommended the correct course of action: redesigning the ignition key. However, these employees were ignored, and their ethical behavior went unrewarded.
How you can do better
It’s essential to praise your employees for what they do right. Acknowledge the small tasks done correctly. This serves as positive reinforcement for those who may be tempted to go against the code of ethics. Positive employees are more productive, take great pride in their work and accomplish more. A happy and productive work culture is worth striving for.
Harned also emphasized the importance of implementing anti-retaliation programs. “Best practice is to periodically check in with employees who have come forward to report, to be sure that they have not experienced any repercussions for reporting,” Harned explained. “Additionally, companies should keep an eye on the performance of employees who report over time to be sure they are receiving adequate support and that they haven’t been precluded from advancing their careers.”
In addition to the lessons outlined above, the following best practices can help you solidify your ethical corporate culture:
Casey Conway contributed to this article.