Here's how you can navigate a crisis successfully and stay in business.
Customers want payment options, making the cash-only model inconvenient. If your business doesn't accept credit cards, here are eight reasons you should.
Without a unique selling proposition, you have nothing that distinguishes your company. Learn how to create an effective USP for your business.
Outsourcing part of your production process can boost efficiency, save money and help you focus. Learn seven tips for evaluating an outsourcing partner.
Military veterans seeking to transition to entrepreneurial ventures have a wealth of resources at their disposal. Learn how to access resources for vets.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) helps businesses drive quality by recording and storing real-time business performance data. Learn ERP trends to watch.
Your mission statement should show your company's vision and describe how customers see your business. Here's how to create a mission statement that distinguishes you from competitors.
Customized and personalized products are becoming popular as companies gain more access to consumer data. Here is what your business needs to know.
Many people dream of starting their own company, but not all entrepreneurs are successful. Get a good start in your business-owning career with these tips.
It is possible to go into business with limited startup capital. Here is how to become a successful entrepreneur, even without huge assets.
This guide to business insurance can help you understand the policies available to your small business and determine which policies are right for you.
Companies must adopt a tech mindset in their corporate identity. Learn why every business is a tech company and how to incorporate tech in your operations.
Starting a business requires an organized approach to administrative, legal and practical tasks. Follow this checklist to start a business from home.
Setting the proper prices for your services is one of the most crucial elements of business. Learn how to set fair and accurate prices for your services.
Scammers often target small and midsize businesses. Beware of these 10 business-related scams, and learn how to avoid cybercriminals and hackers.
An interview with Harvard Business School’s Feng Zhu and Bonnie Cao
An S corporation helps you avoid double taxation and the self-employment tax. Learn the pros and cons of S corporations and other corporate structures.
Use these simple tricks to make your business more efficient with the minimum resources.
Learn how five top restaurant employee-theft scams work. We'll show you how to stop losing money to employee theft and retake control of your restaurant.
Our full Q&A with the author and neuroscience researcher.
Here are several online and offline marketing techniques that you can use to reach more potential customers for your restaurant business.
If you sell products anyone can get, you'll never become a leader in your market. Here's how to develop unique products instead.
SWOT ― which stands for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats” ― is a type of analysis that helps you develop your business strategy.
Learn how some of the most successful entrepreneurs bounced back from rejection – and how you can too.
If your business has employees, nearly every state requires you to have workers' compensation insurance. Learn about what it covers and how much it costs.
A hold harmless agreement releases a party from the consequences of another's actions. Learn how and when to use a hold harmless agreement in business.
Product liability insurance is needed for businesses that make, sell or distribute products. Learn about what it covers and how much it costs.
Minimize your costs by following these tips.
An insurance policy that service-related businesses need is professional liability insurance. Learn about what it covers and protects against.
This guide explains how self-employed people can make Roth IRA contributions to save for their retirement.