Partnerships use schedule K-1 tax forms to avoid tax penalties by distinguishing business income and personal income.
When buying or leasing an office, planning the right amount of space is crucial for efficient operations. Learn how to determine your office space needs.
In the workplace, you want to create a culture that supports collaboration and encourages retention. Use these tips to cultivate a more productive company.
Examining customer lifetime value yields metrics that help you gain high-level customers. Learn how to make CLV part of customer relationship management.
Flextime can be a huge advantage for your employees and your business. Find out how to boost company morale by offering flexible schedules.
Learn which types of employee compensation packages are best for your team.
Use our glossary to find out the definitions of words commonly used in the world of HR and see the buzzwords entering the human resources lexicon.
A negative workplace culture leads to turnover and low productivity. Learn tips for overcoming workplace obstacles and changing your workplace culture.
Millennials frequently use the Instagram social media platform. Learn how to use Instagram to engage millennials and see what Instagram mistakes to avoid.
More businesses are outsourcing project-based jobs to freelancers instead of hiring full-time staff. Learn the pros and cons of hiring freelancers.
Learn why it makes fiscal sense for your company to have a dedicated business savings account.
If you're preparing to hire new employees, consider which roles require a full-time employee and which jobs might be best filled as part-time positions.
The charity you select should not only align with your company values but also be a good fit for your customers, employees and the community you serve.
Learn why cash flow statements are a vital part of financial tracking and many financial activities.
Effective recruiting strategies can improve your workforce and save you money. Learn what the recruitment process is and how to conduct it.
Find the right IT partner and your SMB can take advantage of all current and future business technology, improving service, profit and productivity.
If customers can't trust you with their data, it will hurt your bottom line. Find out what you need to do to secure your business’s data.
North American Bancard is a credit card processor with quick setup that serves high-risk businesses. Learn about its fast approval process and features.
Stock photos can add graphics to your online content without producing the images yourself. Learn to find quality photos to create better brand messaging.
Merchant One is a top credit card processor with an intuitive platform. Learn why Merchant One is the best credit card processor for flexible pricing.
There are lots of interesting blockchain developments in digital marketing, but no one's made a big breakthrough – at least, not yet.
GDPR is a sweeping data privacy law that impacts any business collecting data on EU citizens. Make sure your business is ready with these easy steps.
Some restaurants have started accepting Bitcoin as payment. Learn the pros and cons of accepting Bitcoin in restaurants and how to get started.
Failure is inevitable as an entrepreneur, so it’s important to develop a healthy attitude about it. Here are four lessons you can learn from failing.
Real-time monitoring is essential for every business. Learn how monitoring your network can improve your overall security, performance and productivity.
The lean startup technique is a three-step approach designed to help companies improve their decision-making in order to reach a broader market.
The manufacturing industry is changing as next-generation VR and AR become readily available.
A sustainable business model is a top priority for SMBs. Learn how to build a sustainable business that benefits customers without jeopardizing the planet.
This guide explains how workers' compensation exemptions work and to which employees these exemptions may apply.
In a crisis, it is essential for a business to interact with its audience. Learn six essential strategies for crisis communication.