FreshBooks is cloud-based accounting software that's ideal for invoice creation. Learn how businesses use FreshBooks for accounting, including custom invoicing.
Trying to decide between making a product fast, good or cheap can be difficult. Here's how to accomplish all three.
Need a free business budget template download? Get it here and learn how to use it to track your monthly and annual business revenue and expenses.
Find out how an HR department can handle important personnel aspects of your business, including recruiting, payroll, and benefits.
VoIP and landline are options for your business phone system needs. Learn the pros and cons of each and how to choose the right communication solution.
Business owners can learn a lot from PR mistakes made by some of the biggest companies. Here are a few key public relations lessons.
Instilling transparency in your business can boost employee retention, collaboration and productivity. Learn how to be more transparent.
Employees are more efficient when they transfer what they learned during training to their jobs. Learn how to improve your employee training program.
Test out one of these video conferencing platforms the next time you need to host a meeting.
Promoting existing employees can save onboarding time and costs while boosting morale. Learn how to identify the best candidates for a promotion.
Find out how product packaging can win over customers, and get tips for successful packaging strategies.
Studies have shown that office lighting plays a major role in employee productivity. Is your lighting optimal for worker performance?
Learn why many employees are wishing they would have stayed put during the Great Resignation.
How long should your hiring process take? Find out how long each step of your recruiting process should be and learn tips for speeding it up.
Why might hiring a recent college graduate be a better choice for your business than a seasoned professional? Here's a closer look at the options.
Learn whether employee monitoring software can benefit your business.
Customer service can make or break a company's success. Learn the costs and types of customer service training and how training can benefit your business.
Hiring a good HR manager for your business starts with asking the right questions. Check out a list of the best interview questions for HR.
A workers' compensation settlement covers several costs incurred when an employee is injured. Learn about the workers' compensation settlement process.
Subrogation lets an insurance company recover money for insurance claims from a third party. Learn how subrogation works in various insurance types.
A stock purchase agreement outlines the sale of company stock to buyers. Here's how to create a stock purchase agreement, along with a helpful template.
Papaya Global is an international PEO that allows businesses to onboard workers, administer benefits, and manage payroll across multiple countries.
Employee monitoring can help improve workplace productivity, but employees may feel violated or resentful. Learn the pros and cons of monitoring employees.
Payment Depot is a top credit card processor for growing companies. Learn why Payment Depot is the best credit card processor for high transaction volumes.
Stax is a subscription-based credit card processor that lets businesses pay predictable costs. Learn why Stax integrations set it apart from competitors.
Rippling's platform has hundreds of integrations and a user-friendly workflow builder. Learn why it's the best payroll system for automating processes.
Businesses accept credit cards to increase customer satisfaction and boost the bottom line. Learn everything you need to know about credit card processing.
It sounds extreme, but research is backing the four-day workweek.
Conserving energy can help your business save money, reduce its carbon footprint and help the environment. Learn how your business can save energy.