Should you start surcharging to mitigate credit card processing fees? Learn the pros and cons of surcharging, as well as some alternatives.
Credit card receivables are a vital short-term financing source. Learn how to leverage your credit card receivables to get cash for your business quickly.
Getting behind on your taxes can result in penalties, including liens and levies on your business. Here's what to do if you're past due.
You've been told you need a POS system, but how does one work, how can it benefit your business, and what are its advantages over a cash register?
Retro pay is when an employer makes up the difference between wages the employee should have been paid versus what the employee received.
You can choose from a variety of credit card machines with different capabilities and price points. Here are the best options.
Accepting credit cards over the phone can help boost customer convenience and satisfaction. Learn methods for taking credit card payments over the phone.
No matter what type of taxes you need help preparing, it's crucial to choose the right business tax consultant – and one whose prices fit into your budget.
From tracking inventory to running promotions, restaurant POS systems bring numerous benefits. Learn about the top features of restaurant POS systems.
Want to improve cash flow or look good in the eyes of the bank or investors? Here's how to strengthen your balance sheet.
The triple bottom line uses a sustainability-based accounting method that prioritizes people, profit and planet. Here's how businesses utilize it.
Credit card testing fraud, driven by bots, is costly and damaging to SMBs and credit cardholders. Learn how to protect your business and customers.
Debt collection is the process of obtaining payment on a past-due account. Here's what to expect if you run into financial trouble.
Small businesses that must cut costs may consider a free POS system. Learn the benefits and limitations of free POS systems and some options to consider.
Credit cards offer an effective way to fund a small business, but only if you pay off your balance each month and take advantage of the available perks.
When clients don't pay invoices, your business's cash flow is affected. Learn how and when to charge interest and late fees on invoices to recoup funds.
Under the legislation, eligible employers can claim a refundable tax credit that is equal to 70 percent of the qualified wages they pay employees.
Venmo is known for peer-to-peer payments. But Venmo for Business makes payments easy for small businesses. Learn the pros and cons of Venmo for Business.
Truist is a traditional bank lender resulting from the merger of SunTrust Bank and BB&T Bank in late 2019. The company provides a variety of small business financing options, including U.S. Small...
Stripe provides payment processing for online businesses in 25 countries. Its developer toolkit allows you to customize it for your website or mobile app, and it comes with more than 100 features,...