GoTo Connect combines the power and reliability of Jive's cloud VoIP phone systems with GoTo Meeting's web, audio, and video conferencing into one simple, reliable, and flexible solution.
Auto-dialing software has been around for some time, but it can be confusing to the average person. Here's how it can be a game-changer for businesses.
Unstable audio or video connections can make hosting a meeting difficult for any business. Here are the most common problems and their solutions.
Learn everything you need to know about virtual phone lines and how you can use one to optimize your business in a matter of moments.
Video conferences can be effective virtual meetings or a waste of time and resources. Learn 18 tips for more productive and enjoyable video conferences.
VoIP and landline are options for your business phone system needs. Learn the pros and cons of each and how to choose the right communication solution.
Test out one of these video conferencing platforms the next time you need to host a meeting.
Learn how to improve communications and optimize your entire business with a phone system capable of handling multiple calls simultaneously.