Lexie Lu, web designer and UX strategist, shares her insight on graphic design trends.
Video can boost your marketing strategy and increase leads, user engagement and sales. Learn how to incorporate video into your marketing strategy.
Social media marketing is an effective and affordable way to connect with your target market. Follow these tips to strengthen your social media presence.
Millennials have markedly different spending habits from their predecessors. Learn how to shift your strategy to appeal to them.
Contests can create excitement and engagement for your brand, and help find new customers. Learn how you can run a successful promotion.
Refreshing and repurposing blog posts can improve your site ranking, create more value, and attract new audiences. Learn how to repurpose your blog content.
The stock images companies use are often not very good. Take advantage of alternatives to help your content perform better.
Public relations and marketing mistakes can irreparably harm your company to the point where you need to shut down. See what to avoid and get solutions.
Save time on content creation and get more results by repurposing existing content. Learn how to repurpose content, find new audiences, and boost SEO.
Personal branding can help you in your current business and in the future. Start building your personal brand with these 11 social media platforms.
Bluetooth beacons are a marketing channel that helps you interact with consumers at specific locations. Learn how to use beacons in your marketing plan.
Online reviews are an important part of your small business's reputation. It's also important to respond to every review you receive, positive or negative.
Google Ads can help you improve traffic and find more qualified prospects and customers. Learn seven strategies to make your Google Ads campaign a success.
Digital marketing is constantly changing, and it's important to keep up with the trends to stay ahead of the competition. Here's how to stay in the know.
Text message marketing can be a big benefit to a business. Learn 12 ways to use business texting to streamline operations and the benefits of SMS marketing.
Learn six reasons why you need to start a blog for your small business, and how to do it right.
Businesses should understand what payment tools their customers like to use. Learn the methods different demographics favor.
Your website's About page is a marketing powerhouse that helps visitors get to know your brand. Learn best practices for creating an effective About page.
A social media presence is necessary for all brands today, but especially important for small businesses. Here is why.
Many businesses bring in the bulk of their revenue during the holidays. Learn how to maximize holiday sales and when to devise and implement your strategy.
Online marketing is crucial for business success. Learn how to assess your options and create an effective digital marketing strategy for your business.
Greeting your customers with a smile is important, but efficiency matters even more. Learn how to provide efficient customer service.
Product packaging, including the materials used and the color palette, can give you a competitive edge. Follow these strategies to attract customers.
The most important thing in sales and marketing is to attract and retain your most profitable business customers. Get tips and strategies.
Driving in-store traffic can be challenging. Since offline sales are highly influenced by online activity, try these digital marketing tactics.
Learn how you can use the KISS principle in your business to improve relationships and make your team more creative at little cost.
What do consumers want in their experience with companies? This is how your business can ensure great customer service.
User-generated content (UGC) can help your brand engage customers and boost sales. Learn how to encourage UGC to increase trust, engagement and sales.
Marketing for a nonprofit is very different from corporate marketing. Here are some common nonprofit marketing challenges and how to overcome them.
A Q&A with Lonely Planet’s social media director Deepa Lakshmin